

In a past post, I said I was reading ‘Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life’, which was full of tidbits that I could completely relate to. There was one post that made me laugh because it sounded exactly like me, and the funny part is that I didn’t even realize that I thought this way until I read her describe it. I guess that’s the one thing that makes books so wonderful – finding that small quote, or paragraph, that perfectly captures what you’ve been thinking about, or a moment you’ve shared with someone, or a dream that you’ve kept inside, or, in this case, a character trait that you don’t even think of as odd or funny since its all you’ve ever known about yourself. Here goes:
“I eat quickly, purposefully, and almost always finish everything on my plate. I finish the meal so I can get to dessert. I finish the dessert so I can get up from the table. When I’m out, I’m usually thinking about going home. When I’m home, I’m usually thinking about the next time I’m going out. I find deleting e-mails or messages on my answering machine quite gratifying. I have not experienced the full pleasure of an act or task until I’ve crossed it off my list. I’m thrilled when leftovers finally become stale so I can throw them out… I like it when we finish one of our half-gallons of milk, so I can rinse it out and put the glass bottle out back for the milkman…I always hated Monopoly – the end was invariably nowhere in sight. Magazines full of too many good articles make me frantic. I fantasize about getting rid of everything in my closet except for an outfit or two. I love mailing letters – specifically, letting them drop out of my hand into the mailbox’s metal cavern. I find myself throwing away, say, a jar of peanut butter or bottle of shampoo, when there’s still a small amount left because the satisfaction of disposing it far outweighs the option of keeping it in my life for some future spoonful or drop. An emptied dishwasher is a pleasing sight. My favorite command on the computer is empty trash…The concept of infinity makes me nuts.”
        - Amy Krouse Rosenthal “Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life

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